Ⓒ T7 Production Cyberpunk 2077 Phoenix Program Fan Film

Photo by Masa Toshi Ⓒ T7 Production Cyberpunk 2077 Phoenix Program Fan Film

Ⓒ T7 Production Cyberpunk 2077 Phoenix Program Fan Film
Movie- & Video productions:
ARD WDR MDR - documentation "Popcult Japan" about my work among other protagonists (2023)
Vi-Dan Tran, Gong Bao & Jessabelle Kiko - Proof on Concept Movie Shoot for "I.T.E.M.S." (2021)
Ubisoft, Vi-Dan Tran, Maul Cosplay - Assassin's Creed Valhalla : Official Live Action Film - Head of Make-up & Bodypaint, Hair & Make-up on all stunt people and actors except two protagonists (2020)
Vi-Dan Tran / T7 Production & Maul Cosplay : Cyberpunk 2077 - Phoenix Program Shortfilm - Hair & Make-ups of every stunt actor and extra, except Maul Cosplay's made by his own team. (2020)
- Anke Engelke & Matthew Woods - Music Video "OUT" - Wig hair & Make-up (2018)
Buttinette Masterclasses video filming (Bodypaints, Pop Art, beards, mohawk) (2017)
Deiters - Halloween Promotion Videoshoot - Eight make-ups on four models & costumes (2016)
Offically booked Events:
HNF Paderborn presentation in costume at this cultural institution hosting "Jugend [...] digital" (08.12.2022)
Aniventure Sofia, Bulgaria - Booked VIP Guest & Judge for Panels, Meet&Greets, next to Yuegene Fay & Pretzl (2022)
MAG-C - Booked Guest & Judge with large booth / exhibition space (2023)
CometCon Asturias, Spain - Booked VIP Cosplay Guest & Judge with booth (2022)
Ubisoft (Paris Head Quarters) ViP Promotion Event - "Skull and Bones" Airbrush Tatoos via Corinna Lenzen (2022)
Deichbrand Festival - Booked by the main Sponsor "Aldi Nord" Airbrush Tatoos via Corinna Lenzen (2022)
Fantasy Basel - Booked international VIP Cosplay Guest with booth (2022)
Warner Bros. - Back 4 Blood Promotion at the Trymacs Live Gaming Show - Head of four sfx-artists for 3x Zombie transformations and hosts: Creation and appliace of three wigs, bodypaints and 12 prosthetisc at the Live Show (2021)
Fantasy Basel - International Guest & Walking Act (2021)
Hero Fest Bern - International VIP Cosplay Guest & Judge with a dedicated booth (2021)
Airbeat One - Promotion for the Main Sponsor Moskovskaya - Airbrush Tatoos via Corinna Lenzen (2018)
Festival Fantasia - International ViP Cosplay Guest with a dedicated booth (2018)
Deiters "Deutschlands Größe Halloween Party" - Make-ups on the dancers and performers (2016)
- Stunk Sitzung - "Elverrat" Make-up & hair two years in a row (2015 + 2016)
Photokina & FotoTV.Stage with the academy die maske - Live Make-ups, costumes and Tranformations (2014)
Fantasy & RollenSpiel Konvent - Make-up booth (2014) & Booth & Make-ups for the costume contest (2015)
Role Play Convention with booth (2014)
Events: Live Presentations (selection):
Kryolan at Make-up Artist Design Show - "The Making-of Professional extravagant Synthetic Wigs" (2019)
Activision & DerJay/Pietsmiet : Call of Duty - Black Ops - Live Zombie Transformation (2015 + 2016)
Adobe Behance World Tour Düsseldorf - Exhibition and Presentations (2014)
MCM London, Comic Con Germany Stuttgart, RPC, First Look Festival… “The Making-of Junkrat” (2018)
Comic Con Germany Stuttgart - “Professional Wig Making” (2016)
Adobe CREATE NOW World Tour & Pecha Kucha, Düsseldorf "Making-of Romeo+Juliet costumes" (01.07.2014)
Pecha Kucha Live Presentation, Düsseldorf (22.08.2014)
Events: Presentations + Live transformations (selection):
Warner Bros. Back 4 Blood - Live Webinar Zombie Transformation (2022)
DLF Deutscheland Funk Nova DRadio wissen - "Aus Julia wird Julian" (2015)
Dribbble & Adobe Live Event - Costume presentation and Zombie live make-up (22 May 2015)
Creations : Costumes, wigs & props:
Marc Eggers - Heidi Klum Halloween part Ney Work, costume creation & design, remote assist at the event (2023)
Crispy Rob - Creation of an over-sized titan built for the event Anime Beats during gamescom (2023)
Die Allerjutsten - Five transformations (costume, hair & make-ups) gamescom (2023)
BANDAI Tekken 8 - Two official wig commissions & hairpieces for EU Promotion Tours, starting at gamescom (2023)
Sony Heavysaurus - Upgrades and reparations on four full-body costume suits (2022)
Sony Playstation God of War EosAndy, Maul Cosplay - Custom make Beard handknotting w/ team
Tencent Tower of Fantasy, gamescom - Head of department, Making-of costume, props, make-ups, wigs (2022)
Hojoverse Genshin Impact Kamui Cosplay - Offical Beidou wig for promotions, starting at gamescom 2022
Netflix movie Germany (TBA) - Handknotted full lace wig with intern (2021)
Warner Bros. Back 4 Blood Trymacs Live Show 3x Zombie costumes, head pieces, 12x prosthetics etc (2021)
THQ Nordic Darksiders Lightning Cosplay, Monono - Two official wig commissions with LED effects (2018)
Saltatio Mortis & Sascha Music Video - Creation of a realistic long wig (2021)
Blizzard & gamescom - costumes & props exhibitioned at their main booth at gamescom for Overwatch (2017)
- Activision - Call of Duty Black Ops III - Live Zombie Transformations every day of gamescom (2016)
- Blizzard & Squeezie - Official Overwatch Rap Battle Music Video with our Junkrat with Shellshocked Props (2016)
Blizzard - Junkrat Waking Act transformation every day of gamescom on Shellshocked Props (2016)
Bethesda Quake - Official wig commission for Kim on the Rocks' Walking Act (2018)
Maul Cosplay / Defcon Unlimited - Official Promotion Wig Commission (2015)
Blizzard & Lightning Cosplay - Official promotion wig commission "Widowmaker" (2015)
Photoshoots (selection): Beside my regular cosplay photoshoots, of course
Sony Playstation God of War, EosAndy, Maul Cosplay - Special Effect Make-up and hair to create Artreus (2023)
Benjaming Von Wong (twice in 2015) - Make-up & Hair
Jamari Lior (2014) , Liancary (2015) - Make-up & Hair
Lightning Cosplay - Make-up & Hair (2018)
Bundesamt Für Magische Wesen - (Special-) Make-up & Hair (2015)
Workshops (selection):
Knotting, Connichi (2016), Kassel
Knotting, CosDay (2014), Frankfurt
Knotting, Role Play Convention (2014), Cologne
Photoshop, Connichi (2012), Kassel
Photoshop, CosDay (2012), Frankfurt
Publications (selection):
Docma & Jamari Lior photography, magazine, issue 69, march 2016
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 02 "Basics of crossplay makeup"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 03 "LaceFront Perücken richtig aufsätzen" & "Hautfarben authentisch auftragen"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 05 "Glatzenkappen selbst gemacht"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 10 "Buzzcut Perücke selbst gemacht"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 11 "Geisha Makeup richtig auftragen"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 14 "Gut Ding will Weile haben - Weathering Tutorial"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 17 "Einen Bart aus der Hand legen"
Cohaku, magazine, issue n° 22 "Kleine Haarteile selbst herstellen"
“How To Make MyCostumes” hardcover book, chapter : “make-up”
First place, Photography Competition "Regards sur l'Europe" 2000€, Auvergne (2011)
Second Place as Junkrat during my only Costume Competition ever, Role Play Convention (2017)
Reward of the Jury's "Price of Honour", Video Art Festival Vidéoformes - Auvergne (2012)
Diploma - Special effect Make-up Artist (Maskenbildner Film), academy ‘die maske‘, Cologne, Germany:
Special effect, HD- and Beauty- make-up, sculpture & mold making, life casting, airbrush, hair- & wig work…
Master - Diplôme National Supérieur d’Arts Plastiques (DNSEP), college of arts ESACM, Clermont-Ferrand, France:
Photo- & video art, sculpture & mold making, modern art history, expositions, international collaborations…
Diploma - Diplôme National d’Arts et Techniques, option design graphique Arts (DNAT), college of arts ÉSAL, Épinal:
Photography, videography, graphic design, (interactive )animation, digital and traditional illustration, modern art history, internat. collaborations…